Attempting to Lose 39 Pounds In 59 days. Day 35 Update. The Good and The What The…?

The Numbers at Day 35

Body Fat Percentage. 25.5% > 18.1%

Body Fat Pounds. 52.5 lbs > 34.0 lbs

Skeletal Muscle Mass. 87.5 lbs > 88.4 lbs

Total Weight. 204.4 lbs > 186.7 lbs

I am definitely behind the pace to reach 165 lbs in 56 days, but I am still going to give it my best effort. I am sorta shocked by gaining muscle mass. As I said in the video, I wanted to limit the loss as much as I could by doing what I could to naturally increase HGH, Testosterone, and Ketone levels endogenously. As well as exogenous ketone supplementation. Apparently its working 🙂