Can I lose 39 pounds in 56 days?

Against my own advice, I have been stepping on the scale A LOT lately. On September 5th, it read 204.4 pounds and my body fat percentage was 25%. Not going to lie, I was disappointed in myself. I had let some old habits fall back in and processed foods had become a staple again. I was snacking multiple times a day and I hadn’t let my body fast for more than 20 hours in years.

That was the “Bad” news. The good news is I didn’t feel hopeless like I did when I weighed over 265 pounds and 40% body fat. Back then I thought that the only way to lose weight was to diet, work out multiple times a day no matter how sore you felt, and feel hungry and tired constantly. Today I know that the changes I make will lead to more energy, better sleep and mood, and help me get back to the better version of me.

39 pounds in 56 days??? Some have asked my why so much and so fast. The reason is I haven’t set an audacious goal like this in years and there are a few reasons its going to be awesome for me. 39 pounds would put me at 100 total pounds lost since I started focusing on getting into ketosis. I want to run a “fast” marathon. Over the last 7 years, my average weight has been 185 pounds. While I feel good if not great at that weight, it still gets a little tough to run a marathon. While a marathon should be tough, I don’t think it has to be. Taking an additional 20 pounds off should only help. Plus I want to feel light on my feet again. 56 days is 8 weeks. While I plan on keeping the weight off until I get that fast marathon completed, I want to show myself and others that rapid change is possible if you commit to the activity to make it happen. 8 weeks goes by in a blink when you look back. I am sure there are going to be days that seem like they suck. But I / we have been through worse.

How am I going to do it? I prepped for 2 weeks before I stepped on the scale. I already started to eliminate snacking and shifting back to eating more Whole Foods. I actually stopped drinking ketones most days for almost 2 weeks at the start of this challenge. I know how much of a positive impact they have over the last 7 years, but I wanted the first few weeks to be all me and then reintroduce them to see how they help now. My main goals are to:

  1. Eliminate Snacking
  2. Hydrate
  3. Meal prep focusing on high healthy fat and moderate protein.
  4. Intermittent fasting. 20 to 26 hours most days. 36 to 48 once a week with 2 being over 48 over 8 weeks.
  5. More than 7 hours each night of sleep.
  6. Alternate days of Strength/HIIT and Low heart rate cardio. At least 20 minutes each day. Long run days should not take longer than 90 minutes. 45 to 70 minutes once a week is the target.
  7. Only Drink Water, Coffee, Tea, bone broth, or ketones. Adding a little butter, heavy cream, or MCT oil is ok when needed.
  8. NO ALCOHOL Some could get by with a beer or wine with dinner and not have too much of an impact. Alcohol wrecks me and my sleep.
  9. Accountability. I am going to post my progress in a group. At least weekly weigh in results. If you’d like to join, you can find us here:

Is there a goal that you want to pursue or are currently going for? Let me know in the comments! Fingers crossed I can update the title to “How I Lost 39 Pounds in 56 Days”, wish me luck!

As of Sept 21st, I am slightly behind my goal in progress, but the last few days it’s been coming off a little more than a pound a day. So there is a good chance of it!

September 5th, 2023